Pan American EvoDevo meeting 2025 - Satellite Symposia
7/21/2024 at the University of Miami
*The Evo-Devo of Fish
Fish are the most prominent group in vertebrates. While they have established the vertebrate bauplan from their origins, their extraordinary diversity allowed them to disseminate to myriads of ecological niches. Recent rapid technical advances in genomics, genetics, and fieldwork have pushed fish research deeper and wider into model and non-model species, extending and revisiting prevailing mechanisms underlying fish origin and diversity. This one-day satellite meeting, we will bring a wide spectrum of fish research and scientists together to discuss current proceedings, problems, and future directions of the fish evodevo community. This event includes multiple talks, flash talks, and ample networking time.
This satellite meeting is a part of the Pan American Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology meeting (PASEDB) 2025 (June 21-25) and registration to the main meeting is mandatory to attend this meeting.
Before registering to this satellite meeting, please complete the registration to the main meeting as follows.
(1) Register for the main meeting from (registration website will be open soon).
(2) then indicate whether you will attend the satellite meeting and prefer to provide a talk
Please spread the word to your colleagues, friends, and communities, who would be interested in this fish satellite meeting. All scientific career levels from young trainees to established scientists are welcom. If you have any questions about the meeting, please contact organizers of this satellite meeting below.
Tetsuya Nakamura ([email protected])
Patricia Schneider ([email protected])
Joaquín Letelier ([email protected])
We are excited to announce the satellite meeting of arthropods in the Pan American Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology meeting (PASEDB) 2025. This arthropod meeting will cover various topics related to evolutionary and developmental mechanisms underlying arthropod diversity. The meeting will start the morning and end in the afternoon of Monday July 21th before the start of the PASEDB main conference.
This satellite meeting is a part of the Pan American Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology meeting (PASEDB) 2025 (June 21-25) and registration to the main meeting is mandatory to attend this meeting.
Before registering to this satellite meeting, please complete the registration to the main meeting as follows.
(1) Register for the main meeting from (registration website will be open soon).
(2) then indicate whether you attend the satellite meeting and prefer to provide a talk
Please spread the word to your colleagues, friends, and communities, who would be interested in this fish satellite meeting. All scientific career levels from young trainees to established scientists are welcom. If you have any questions about the meeting, please contact organizers of this satellite meeting below.
Leslie Pick: [email protected]
We are excited to announce the satellite meeting of spiralia in the Pan American Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology meeting (PASEDB) 2025. This Spiralia meeting will cover various topics related to evolutionary and developmental mechanisms underlying Spiralia diversity. We aim to discuss ways to increase collaboration and communication between labs working on these models. The meeting will start in the morning and end in the afternoon of Monday July 21th before the start of the PASEDB main conference.
This satellite meeting is a part of the Pan American Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology meeting (PASEDB) 2025 (June 21-25) and registration to the main meeting is mandatory to attend this meeting. Before registering to this satellite meeting, please complete the registration to the main meeting as follows.
(1) Register for the main meeting from (registration website will be open soon).
(2) then indicate whether you attend the satellite meeting and prefer to provide a talk
Please spread the word to your colleagues, friends, and communities, who would be interested in this fish satellite meeting. All scientific career levels from young trainees to established scientists are welcom. If you have any questions about the meeting, please contact organizers of this satellite meeting below.
Christina Zakas [email protected]
Carrie Albertin: [email protected]